Brandon Shalansky
- 4 min
Infamous Doodles: Visualizing Ubu in Print
Though famous for its wild impact in the theatre, Ubu Roi’s life in print also has significance in the history of art, graphics, and publica
Zhuohao Li
- 2 min
“By My Green Candle” — The Aesthetics of Green
The colour green pervades Alfred Jarry’s play Ubu Roi. It is repeated over and over in the phrase “par ma chandelle verte,” meaning “by my g
Zhuohao Li
- 2 min
Ubu “We” — Jarry and/as Ubu
We are all Ubu, still blissfully ignorant of our destructiveness and systematically practicing the soul-devouring ‘reversal’ of flushing our
Brandon Shalansky
- 2 min
Metamodernism I: Reformulating Truth
Metamodernism has been an incredibly important theoretical framework in the development of Studio Theatre’s production of Ubu Roi. It has be
Brandon Shalansky
- 3 min
Metamodernism II: Existential Saturation
No object or force has impacted the rapidly changing social landscape and infrastructure of the twentieth century as powerfully as the inter
Brandon Shalansky
- 3 min
Metamodernism III: Hypermoderism
Within and parallel-to the development of metamodernism over the past few decades has been the emerge of another theory called hypermoderism